The Good Corporate Gift Guide.

It’s that time of year again, how to decide on those gifts for our clients, customers, associates, staff – the dreaded corporate gift? Please not another day planner, box of chocolates, branded USBs, mugs and pens, enough! How do we choose something that fits with our brand, won’t offend any of our clients, and can’t be seen as a ‘bad gift’? In fact, we really want to choose a gift that stands out and says a heartfelt thank you to our clients for standing by us this last year. As our present to you, here are some ideas …

Totes Amazing Tote Bags.

Everyone loves a tote bag, and they’re very handy at Christmas. You can get organic tote bags from Shirtworks that are good as presents and good for the planet.  

These are not only organic but can also be supplied undyed, printed with water-based print (no PVC) and have both Fairwear and Living wage accreditation. As Shirtworks have Soil association accreditation the printed bags are GOTS certified and it’s an Earth Positive bag, which means the energy used to create it was from renewable sources. 

You could get your company logo on these, something festive, or a combination of the two, whatever works for you. Just for Christmas, Shirtworks are offering a 15% special discount, which if ordering high volumes, can take the per bag price down to £2.06 including printing. Get your 15% discount here. 

Charitable Donation.

Choose a charity close to your heart, something that will resonate with your clients too – for example a homeless shelter if you’re in the housebuilding trade. Some charities have the option to buy a ‘thing’, for example, at Crisis you can buy hot meals and a Christmas dinner on behalf of your clients or staff. If you’re not sure about which charity, you can ask them or give them a choice of three to choose from.

Local Hamper.

If your clients or team are local then a local hamper is a great idea, supporting local brands is always well received and there’ll be some yummy treats for them too. This can be very pricey however, so only suitable if you have a big budget or a small team!

Give a Tree.

While there are plenty of ways to give a tree, Ecotree give trees a bit differently. When you buy a tree as a gift through them, you are giving a tree that the recipient will own for its life. You can choose the type and location of your tree and input the email address of your recipient, so they receive it digitally. When they receive their tree, they find out how much carbon their tree captures in its lifetime, and they will enjoy all the profit when it’s harvested (the value will be more than double)!